IBS and Bloating: Causes & Treatments

November 03, 2021

IBS and Bloating: Causes & Treatments

There is nothing more uncomfortable than dealing with a bloated stomach. Bloating and IBS is something that effects a large portion of the population in Ireland, and if left unchecked can cause long-term problems with your gut health.

If you’re someone that struggles with regular bloating or gut issues then you understand the struggle of finding what works for you and your body. Understanding the reasons why your body reacts the way it does is the first step in a long-term gut health solution.

In this blog post we will discuss Bloating & IBS to help you understand the reasons behind the reactions in your body and outline some methods of relieving the discomfort that comes with it.


What Is Bloating?

Bloating happens in the abdomen (stomach) and is when your gastrointestinal tracts (GI) fill up with air or gas, this includes your entire digestive system all the way from your mouth to your bottom. The feeling of being bloated is often similar to that of having eaten a very large meal, and having no room left in your stomach, it can even be painful and your stomach may even look physically bigger!


What Causes Bloating?

Bloating can be caused by numerous things, from the food you eat (some foods produce more gas than others) to dietary intolerances such as dairy. Other causes include:


  1. Food Intolerances: If you begin to bloat after eating certain foods, then it could be down to a food intolerance in which your gut cannot properly digest certain ingredients such as lactose (dairy) or gluten. Regardless of the quantity of the food you eat, your gut will still react in the same way so be sure to make note of your gut triggers & cut out certain foods where necessary.                                                                                                       
  2. Swallowing Air: Swallowing air can happen when you are chewing gum, smoking a cigarette, or eating too fast. By taking in too much air in one go you can overwhelm your stomach and begin to feel bloated, so slow down and me mindful when eating.                                                                          
  3. Constipation: If you have irregular bowel movements, your stool can remain in your colon for far too long and begin releasing more gas back into your stomach. Your inability to go to the bathroom will result in the gas being unable to be released from the body and cause uncomfortable and sometimes painful bloating.                                                                             
  4. Anxiety: It may surprise you to know that mental health factors such as anxiety and stress can cause issues with your gastrointestinal tract and lead to bloating and constipation.                                                                       
  5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that affects the digestive system. It causes symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, and constipation. IBS is triggered mainly by dietary intolerances and life stresses and can be caused by several things such as bacterial infections, changes in gut microbes, stress and changes to your nervous system. IBS is not something you should try to “just live with” there are lifestyle changes you can make to help heal your gut and always see a doctor if your symptoms worsen or persist.


Treatments For Bloating

  1. Exercise: Exercise can help get things moving in your gut, increase blood flow and prevent water retention within the body.                                                 
  2. Avoid Fizzy Drinks: Give your body a break from all the extra gas that comes from consuming fizzy drinks and swap them out for water or non-carbonated drinks.                                                                                          
  3. Avoid Chewing Gum & eating too fast: Be mindful in how you chew and swallow your food, eat reasonable quantities to give your body time to digest and avoid chewing gum as they are full of sugars that can case bloating and excessive air intake when chewing.                                                    
  4. Increase Fiber Intake: Avoid constipation by eating foods high in good quality fiber such as beans, apples, broccoli, and dried fruits. When increasing your fiber intake make sure to take it slow and give your body time to adjust or you could end up causing more bad than good.                        
  5. Try a Probiotic: Maintain a healthy gut by introducing well needed nutrients into the gut from supplements such as BIO-KULT and probiotic rich foods such as yoghurt, miso and tempeh.                                                      
  6. Take Notes: Keeping a food diary can help you identify the food triggers that are causing your bloating and IBS symptoms to worsen. Keeping a food diary can help you identify the food triggers that are causing your bloating and IBS symptoms to worsen.


Find Out More

Shop our range or Probiotics HERE

Read more about Bloating HERE

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